The Write Time Formatting Service

"The Write Time  Formatting Service" Most book author's prefer using a self publishing company.  Most self-publishing companies, and some regular publishing companies do not format your book for you unless you pay them. Most of the time this service can cost from anywhere from $75 to $300 dollars for this service. But we will format your book and transfer it over to PDF format for you for only $20 a book. Once your book is finished we will send you a 50 page preview of your formatted pdf copy of your book. Once payment is received we will email you the complete pdf formatted book to you. That way if you use LULU Publishing services, Google Publishing, Amazon Publishing, ect.. All you have to do is upload your book. For more information on this service you can email our  Formatting  Director,  at [email protected].

PDF Formatting Service

Price: $20.00